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Prof Toru Matsumoto, (Kitakyushu Univ, Jepang), salah satu Prof yang hadir dan memberikan lecture di 3rd ACIKITA International Conference on Science and Technology (Agustus 25-27) lalu di Jakarta, akan hadir kembali di Indonesia. Kali ini beliau akan memberkan Kuliah Umum di INDONESIA. 


Kuliah umum ini akan diadakan di dua tempat :
Ø  23 Oktober di kampus STMIK Padang jam 10.50 -12 WIB
Ø  24 Oktober di kampus UIN Jakarta (@teater Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi ) jam 11-12 WIB
Di kampus STMIK Padang akan diadakan penandatanganan MoU anatara Kitakyushu UNIV-ACIKITA-Pemerintah Kota Padang- BKKBN

Silahkan datang, dan bagi yang berminat lanjut studi ke Jepang, silahkan bawa CV Anda, silahkan isi pendaftaran online, untuk mengikuti kuliah Umum ini.

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Berikut abstrak seminar dan CV Prof. Matsumoto :

Interaction Analysis between Knowledge and Environmental Load
through Field Survey and Environmental Education Practice
in Balikpapan, East Kalimantan

Toru Matsumoto*

Department of Life and Environment Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu
1-1 Hibikino, Wakamatsu-ku, Kitakyushu 808-0135, Japan
Tel: +81-93-695-3231; E-mail: matsumoto-t@kitakyu-u.ac.jp

This issue is caused by some sources of pollution. We are focusing on the lifestyle of people who live around the dam lake.
It is considered that environmental education for communities in the village around the dam lake is not managed still enough to preserve the surrounding environment from contamination of organic and non-organic waste and wastewater that pollute rivers flowing into the dam lake. There is a possibility that lack of knowledge about hygiene and environment cause pollution of rivers and the dam lake.
One of the current studies being done related to environmental education for the public and elementary school students who live in the village around the dam lake. This village was the most important sites in Balikpapan, because there are the Manggar Dam and Sungai Wain which protect the forest as a source of raw water for Balikpapan in this village.
Therefore, the maintenance condition of Manggar Dam is a shared responsibility of Balikpapan society, including the Agency of Forest Service, Department of the environment and the community of the village that interacts directly with the Manggar Dam.
In this study, questionnaire survey was done at 12 communities in banks of rivers that flow into the dam lake. We distributed the questionnaire sheets to about 500 families, which included questions on peoples’ knowledge, consciousness, awareness, and attitude. We also investigated material flow of households for assessing environmental load of communities. In addition, interviews were conducted after the field observations. Subsequently, questionnaire for children were distributed to 194 students of 5th grader of three elementary schools in the village.
By present, the following findings were obtained.
1. Drain from almost households is discharged to ground or the river without processing.
2. The night soil is often infiltrated under the soil through the septic tank.
3. The use of detergent and shampoo is general.
4. Recovery vehicle service is not supplied for all communities, though they pay charge for public garbage collection systems.

Toru Matsumoto, Dr. Eng.
Department of Life and Environment Engineering, The University of Kitakyushu, Japan
Keywords: material flow analysis, life cycle assessment, lifestyle, local environment, sustainable community

1985-90        Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
1990-92        Interdisciplinary Graduate School of Engineering Sciences, Kyushu University
1999             Awarded the degree of Doctor of Engineering in environmental systems analysis

Research and Professional Experience
1992-95        Consultant, Environment & Energy Research Department, Nomura Research Institute, Ltd. (NRI)
1995-1999    Research Associate of Environmental Systems Analysis Division, Institute of Environmental Systems, Faculty of Engineering, Kyushu University
2000-2001    Associate Professor of Environmental Systems Analysis Division, Institute of Environmental Systems, Graduate School of Engineering, Kyushu University
2001-2008    Associate Professor of Department of Environmental Space Design, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, the University of Kitakyushu
2008-            Professor of Department of Life and Environment Engineering, Faculty of Environmental Engineering, the University of Kitakyushu

1998      The thesis prize was won from the Japan Society of Civil Engineers
2005      The encouragement prize was won from Society of Environmental Science, Japan
2007      The thesis prize was won from the Japan Association for Human and Environmental Symbiosis
2010      The thesis prize was won from Research Committee of Environmental Systems,the Japan Society of Civil Engineers
Selected Publications

·         Toru Matsumoto and Yutaka Kawamura: Development of a Home Appliance Recycling System in Japan and Its Impact on the Reduction of Carbon Dioxide Emissions, invited paper, EARTH 2009
·         Juan LIU, Toru MATSUMOTO: SWOT Analysis for Discussion of Success Factors and Obstacles on Eco-industrial Park Projects in Several Asian Countries, Journal of Global Environment Engineering, Vol.14, pp.27-36, 2009
·         Yonghai XUE, Toru MATSUMOTO, Jian ZUO: Life Cycle Assessment and Scenario Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Disposal Systems: The Case of Beijing, Journal of Global Environment Engineering, Vol.13, pp.1-20, 2008

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